• Bornite, affectionately known as “Peacock Ore,” emerges as a luminous ally for those wrestling with the shadows of anxiety and depression. When the path ahead appears shrouded in mist, Bornite extends its guiding hand to help you navigate the labyrinth of uncertainty.


    As a harbinger of change, Bornite wields its transformative power to awaken the dormant forces of evolution within you. It serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path that leads to emotional release and the dissolution of obstructions that hinder your progress.


    Often mistaken for Chalcopyrite, another iridescent mineral, Bornite stands out with its vibrant hues that burst forth in a symphony of colour. These resplendent shades have been ascribed the ability to usher in joy, happiness, and an enduring sense of wonder, casting a radiant light upon your spirits.


    Bornite's radiant presence is your guide to unveiling new vistas, to perceive fresh opportunities and innovative ways to traverse the terrain that leads to your dreams. This peacock-inspired gem emboldens your quest to identify, pursue, and conquer your aspirations.

Crystal healing is intended as a complementary therapy, not a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should be used in conjunction with traditional medicine for health concerns. Consult a healthcare professional for medical issues. Crystal healing does not guarantee results and should not be considered a cure or primary treatment. Individual experiences and safety can vary. Use it responsibly and discuss it with your healthcare provider to ensure suitability.