Root Chakra

Root Chakra Crystal Pack

The first Chakra in our system situated at the base of the spine and connected to the legs. It is from this point we connect to our self and the Earth , granting us a powerful sense of belonging to our lives and the world around us.

Sanskrit name: Muladhara

Translation: "Root"

Colour: Red Element: Earth Sound: Lam Note: C

Balanced: A sense of belonging, The ability to care for yourself, feeling stable and secure

Imbalanced: Insecure, Lack of energy and drive, Disconnected

Affirmation: I am safe, I am strong, I belong. I am right where I need to be and I deserve to live a comfortable life. I am able to take care of myself and thrive in this lifetime.1 x Black Tourmaline

This black stone is the best for protection. It fights against negativity and its grounding properties aid stress relief. It combats negative emotions and, with clear quartz, is great for an everyday healing crystal carry pack. Works with the root chakra.

1 x Bloodstone

A beautiful form of Jasper and as the name implies, It has the ability to detoxify one's blood and organs. Highly beneficial to use in meditation and intention setting, Bloodstone can assist in your ability to transform any aspect of yourself you desire, be that a change of job or starting a new habit. Also known as "The martyrs stone" It promotes feelings of altruism and reminds us that with each significant change comes sacrifice and death of our old patterns.

1 x Red Jasper

Highly protective and grounding, this crystal is well known for its guarding ability against all kinds of threats. Because of this, it was very often used as a battle talisman throughout the ages. A strong detoxifier both Physically and emotionally, It's able to remove negative energies, worries and stresses whilst promoting self trust, self confidence and relaxation.